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Industria de productos Qualtech Martillo de rebote de hormigón digital is an advanced electronic Concrete Strength Schmidt Hammer Test Kit para probar instantáneamente el Concrete Strength y materiales de muestra relacionados con solo tocar un botón.

este profesional Portable Digital Concrete Strength Hammer Test Kit es un diseño de precisión Concrete Compressive Strength Tester to instantly perform Non-Destructive Concrete Tests in accordance with the Schmidt Hammer Test Method at your facilities and in the field.

los Concrete Rebound Hammer Test Method is a well-established, non-destructive method for rapid in-situ assessments of the concrete strength of samples. The Concrete Schmidt Hammer relies on a spring-loaded Impact Hammer which impacts a prepared concrete surface as part of the Non-Destructive Concrete Test Method. los Cabeza de impacto del Martillo de rebote de hormigón rebounds after striking the prepared concrete surface and the extent of this rebound is measured. The Rebound Value is empirically correlated to the Compressive Strength of the Concrete. Higher rebound values typically indicate a higher concrete strength.

este profesional Digital Concrete Schmidt Hammer offers the newest technology combined with a large LCD Display and precison Mechanics, comfortable Softtouch Buttons, Calibration Feature, instant Schmidt Concrete Rebound Test at the press of a button, user-friendly Application, user-friendly Sample Handling, Carrying Case, lightweight & easy to carry, Impact Tip Grinding Accessory, optional Calibration Kit, Brush, extensive Battery Life, ergonomic Design, reliable Performance and much more.

Este Powerful Digital Concrete Rebound Hammer is designed and engineered for professional application to ensure a reliable evaluation of the Concrete Strength of your Concrete Samples with this reliable Digital Martillo de rebote de hormigón. Designed for experts and professionals and engineers this Portable Digital Concrete Strength Tester delivers efficient and instant, non-destructive assessments of your Concrete Samples streamlining your workflow and ensuring project success.

This professional Portable Digital Concrete Schmidt Hammer is designed and engineered in accordance with international test standards including:

Digital Concrete Rebound Number Test Kit - Solicitud:

este profesional Digital Concrete Rebound Hammer Test Tool es un confiable Concrete Test Instrument for  the Non-Destructive Evaluation of the strength of concrete samples.
Esta precisión Digital Concrete Rebound Hammer Test Kit is a well-established instrument to instantly perform the non-destructive concrete test employed by professionals and experts and engineeres for the rapid in-situ assessment of Concrete Strength y el Rebound Number.

los Rebound Hammer Test Method operates by impacting a spring-loaded Impact Head against a prepared concrete surface. The Impact Head of the Concrete Rebound Test Kit rebounds after striking the surface and the extent of this rebound is measured as the Rebound Number presenting the Concrete Strength of your Concrete Samples.
los Rebound Value also lnown as the Rebound Number is empirically correlated to the compressive strength of the concrete. Higher Rebound Number typically indicate a higher concrete strength.
este profesional Concrete Rebound Number Hammer is designed and engineered in accordance with a wide range of recognized Test Standards including ASTM C805, ASTM C805M-18, EN 12504, BS 1881-202 to ensure standardized precision testing and accurate and reliable results.

Concrete Strength Readings are obtain immediately  on-site eliminating delays associated with core sampling and laboratory analysis. This allows for prompt adjustments to construction practices when necessary. The non-destructive nature of the test avoids the cost and the time associated with core sampling and disposal and is applicable to a wide range of concrete strengths from low-strength applications to high-performance structures and assists with monitoring Concrete Strength during construction to ensure compliance with project specifications as well as with assessing the in-place strength of existing concrete structures for renovation or repair projects and helps with identifying potential weak spots or damaged areas in concrete, facilitating targeted repairs and minimizing unnecessary interventions.

To perform the Concrete Strength Test a smooth and level surface area on the concrete is prepared for testing following the ASTM C805 guidelines. This Digital Concrete Strength Hammer is calibrated to ensure accurate and reliable Concrete Strength Readings. After the sample preparation this precision Digital Schmidt Type Concrete Hammer is positioned perpendicular to the prepared concrete surface and the trigger is pressed to impact the concrete surface. The Rebound Number is instantly displayed on the Digital Schmidt Hammer. The measured Rebound Value is interpreted using a conversion charts considering factors including the hammer type and the concrete orientation. This provides an estimated compressive strength value.

este profesional Digital Concrete Strength Rebound Test Kit is a valuable and powerful tool for experts and professionals and engineers.

Digital Schmidt Type Concrete Strength Rebound Test Kit - Características:

  • Tecnología más nueva
  • Gran pantalla LCD
  • Cómodos botones suaves al tacto
  • Precision engineered Concrete Rebound Hammer Kit
  • Instant & efficient & relibale Concrete Rebound Test
  • Sensores de presión de alta precisión
  • Mecánica de alta precisión
  • Calibration Feature
  • Impact Tip Abrasion Tool included
  • Aplicación fácil de usar
  • Manipulación de muestras fácil de usar
  • Amplia gama de accesorios disponibles
  • Alta precisión y alta precisión
  • Batería de larga duración
  • Diseño ergonómico y rendimiento confiable
  • Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ASTM C805, ASTM C805M-18, EN 12504, BS 1991-202

Digital Concrete Schmidt Hammer - Especificaciones:

Tecnología más nueva
Gran pantalla LCD
Cómodos botones suaves al tacto
Portable Concrete Strength Tester
Prueba automática de explosión a baja presión para papel
Instant Concrete Strength Test
Rango de medición10 - 60pa
Energía de impacto2207kj
Impact Head Motion75 mm
Calibration Feature
Sensores de presión de alta precisión
Mecánica de alta precisión
Aplicación fácil de usar
Manipulación de muestras fácil de usar
Amplia gama de accesorios disponibles
Alta precisión y alta precisión
User-friendly & Effective
Batería de larga duración
Diseño ergonómico y rendimiento confiable
Engineered in accordance with international test standards including ASTM C805, ASTM C805M-18, EN 12504, BS 1881

Martillo de rebote de hormigón digital – Elementos incluidos:

  • Digital Schmidt Rebound Hammer
  • Accesorios
  • Certificado de calidad
  • Cuidadosamente calibrado
  • Certificado de calibración
  • Manual de usuario
  • Garantía extendida
  • Soporte de por vida

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